
   2019-09-03 1550


<70 photos in 70 years - Hello, China!>

Invitation for National Natural Ecology Aerial Photography Exhibition


Aerial photographers:


       Entrusted by China Sanmenxia Natural Ecology International Photography Exhibition Art Committee, we are now collecting thematic photography works of domestic and international aviation aerial photographers.


       Requirements for the photography works:


 1. Scope: The natural ecological environment and landform works taken by drones, manned aircraft and all aircraft in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).


 2. Works: 70 photos taken from 1949-2019 in China (1-3 will be selected in each province), the use of drones, manned aircraft and all aircraft to shoot the natural ecological environment and landscape works. The shooting time is not limited, the work needs to be accompanied by 50-100 words of explanatory text (photographing time, shooting location, creative ideas, etc.).


3. The submitted works are in JPG format and the size is above 5M.

4、截止日期:2019年9月30日,投稿邮箱: furui123@163.com.

4. Deadline: September 30, 2019, submission mailbox: furui123@163.com


5. Please leave your communication address and phone number for the certification after the exhibition.


6. There is no fee for participation, and the selected works will be exhibited during the exhibition.


7. Contributors should ensure that they are the authors of the works submitted, and that they have independent, complete, clear and undisputed copyright over the whole and part of the works. Contributors should also ensure that the works they submit do not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, including copyright, portrait right, reputation right, privacy right, etc. Contributors shall bear all consequences and responsibilities arising from their contributions and submissions.


8. The sponsors and contractors have the right to use the selected works by means of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, projection, information network dissemination and compilation (including and not limited to the production of publications, exhibitions, CD production, special film and television programs, tourism promotion and publicity, special websites, etc.) and no additional remuneration shall be paid.


9. The right to interpret the solicitation notice belongs to the main contractor. Any contributor shall be deemed to have agreed to all the provisions of the notice for the solicitation of contributions.

特别提示:大展艺委会委托付锐先生(联系电话15649007000)、戚琳女士(联系电话13903731858)为策展人,具体事宜请电话联系。Special tips: The Exhibition Arts Committee entrusted Mr. Fu Rui (contact number 15649007000), Ms. Yan Lin (contact number 13703731858) as the curators, please contact us by phone for details.


Excellent  works show:





航测案例 | 如何用无人机实景三维来做不动产确权?

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